Why do things work the way they do? That is the question that drives me.
As long as I can remember, I've had a desire to understand how things work. What makes them tick. That curiosity is so strong that it would get me into trouble when I was a child. I would dismantle my toys so that I could discover their inner workings, sometimes even destroying them in the process. Their value to me resided in the knowledge that I could extract from them more so than whether they functioned as they were intended.
That curiosity has also served me well as an adult. While I no longer destroy things in the process of learning about them, I have a hunger for knowledge and enjoy learning new things. I excelled in college and enjoyed my undergraduate work so much that I continued on to acquire a master’s degree. I am currently in the process of pursuing a doctoral degree in information technology.

Core Philosophies
If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.
-Marc Anthony
I made a career change in 2001 and I've never regretted it. I didn't like what I was doing all that much and was only in it for the money. I took some time to assess what I enjoyed and what it would take to switch to a career in those areas. I've always been fascinated with technology and seemingly had a natural aptitude. I attribute my success, in part, to making this move.
There's no straighter road to success than exceeding expectations one day at a time.
-Robin Crow
Once of my biggest motivators is the recognition that can be obtained through exceeding expectations. Even if nobody else notices, I am happiest when I know that something's been done correctly. Unfortunately, this isn't always a positive. I've found that in situations where quantity rather than quality is emphasized, I don't find the satisfaction that I desire. As a result, I prefer situations where quality is not just desired, but the main focus.
I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.
-Albert Einstein
As previously described on this page, I am driven by a desire to understand things. This has not only contributed to my career and educational aspirations, but has driven me to become something of a serial hobbyist as well. I have, and have had, many hobbies. I get interested in something and want to learn everything about it and embrace it to its fullest. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to do everything that I'd like to do.
Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.
-C.S. Lewis
Even if nobody's watching, you'll know whether you did the right thing. You might not regret doing the wrong thing, but you'll never regret doing the right one. You can call it fate, karma, luck, or whatever else you like, but I believe that we reap what we sew. Being a person of integrity always results in a happier life, whether directly, or indirectly.