U. S. Army
I am proud to have had the honor of serving our country in the U. S. Army. I am the third generation of the Smith lineage to have served in the Army. I attended basic training and A.I.T. at Ft. Jackson, SC, and was stationed at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska for the remainder of my enlistment.
My grandparents had offered to pay for my college, but I felt that as a young adult, it was my responsibility to take care of it myself. I enlisted due in part to the educational benefits. I feel fortunate to have been able to acquire a master's degree with very little of the cost coming directly to me.
This photo was taken while I was on leave in approximately 1989. It's important to note that the flattop was more of a thing back then due to the popularity of Arnold Schwarzenegger action films.
My son and myself in September of 2017. This is right before his deployment to the middle east. He's the fourth consecutive generation of Smith to serve in the U. S. Army.
My grandfather, Lieutenant W. Herbert Smith, around 1943. He passed away while my father was young so I never had the opportounity to have met him.
Be All You Can Be

My official basic training photo 1987
My father circa 1969 who served with the 12th Special Forces group during the Vietnam conflict
Eating chow in basic training 1987
Me, as I exit the gas chamber 1987
My son in 2014
My son circa 2017
Army Strong